Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Atheism: Simply Reasonable

Report on the billboards in North Carolina with the messages "Mormonism: God is a space alien; Baptizes dead people; Big money; Big bigotry" and "Christianity: Sadistic god; Useless savior; 30,000+ versions of truth; Promotes hate, calls it love" and "Atheism: Simply Reasonable" sponsored by the American Atheists.

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Local News video August 14, 2012

Thanks to Atheist Billboards for this video.

Watch People should deny atheists their right to free speech in public

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Athiesm is reasonable? I find it interesting that athiests are constantly clammoring for their right of free speech while trampleing the very same right for Christians, by mocking and ridiculing their beliefs.

Very well then...if athiesm has all the answers perhaps you can answer these questions for me...

1. What was the cause of the so-called "Big Bang?"
2. How did life on Earth originate?
3. How do dead chemicals come together to produce living organisms?
4. How, exactly, did all the current species evolve from a common ancestor?
5. What is it the makes us alive and conscious?

Have a nice day...:-)

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