Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cleric Receives Death Threats For Supporting Evolution

Imam Usama Hasan, Leyton Mosque

Ibrahim Mogra


March 21, 2011 on CNN

Obviously, we all know that in the beginning, there was NOTHING. Then Allah, out of NOTHING created his throne(kursh) and then created some water and placed his throne over the water.

Allah then created Mr and Mrs Adam and Eve from clay in 6 days. Allah then gave them shelter and food, allowing them to eat whatever they liked, strawberry, cherries, plums, banana, oranges, grapes, grapefruit, pizza, burger, pasta, rice curry, chicken tandoori...anything at all except APPLES. But Mrs Adam tempts her husband and this bloody idiot eats an apple. Allah cannot stand this and he throws both of them out of heaven and they free fall billions of km's down and lands on earth without breaking a single bone, surviving hypothermia, frostbite etc. This is what really happened.

So evolution, which says all living creatures change gradually from simpler beings to form more complex, bringing about small and slow improvements suited to survive in their contemporary environment over millions of years is obviously false and doesnt make sense compared to the wonderful creation story we have in the holy Quran which was revealed by Allah himslef to Muhammad via his messenger Mr Jibreal 1400 years ago.

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