Wednesday, December 8, 2010

American Atheists

Many of the most influential Americans, past and present, are atheists.

If you don't believe that god exists, or you're not sure, then you're not a theist. If you're not theist, you're an a-theist. Liking the term is not a pre-requisite. The word "atheist" just means without a belief in a god, and that's ALL it means. So it's possible for a person to believe in all manner of irrational superstitions including heaven, a soul, magic etc. and still be an atheist.

The sum total of what each person wrote and said indicates a lack of belief in god. Therefore, they are atheists. If you're like Einstein and you believe in god, only you spell it n-a-t-u-r-e... you're an atheist too.

Thanks to hughjarrse and zakiechan for the inspiration.

Thomas Edison is mistakenly credited for inventing the light bulb, when in fact Joseph swan was the first to make one.

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